Access/View media from the mobile app

  1. From the app home screen, select My Media .
  2. Select the connected Bublcam to view the media on its microSD card, or “My Media: your device name” if you have saved files to your app. NOTE: You must be connected to the Bublcam to view the media on your mobile app that is captured on the microSD card, otherwise you must first save individual files from the microSD card to “My Bubl App”. You can do this through selecting “Menu” > “Save to my Bubl App” when viewing a bubl.
  3. Browse your media and simply select the file that you would like to view.
  4. While viewing the file you can use your finger to drag, pan and pinch with two fingers to zoom in and out of the bubl. You can also toggle the viewing setting from “Touch Pan”  to “Tilt Pan”  or “Virtual Reality”  in the bottom left corner.
    • Tilt pan will use the gyroscope in your mobile device to allow you to tilt and move your device around to pan the bubl.
    • Virtual Reality will use the gyroscope in your mobile device in conjunction with a compatible VR headset (eg. Google Cardboard) to move your head around to view the spherical content as if you were there.
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