Downloading and Connecting to the Mobile App

Minimum system requirements for the mobile application: iOS 8+, Android 4.1+

To download the mobile application for iOS or Android, please visit the iTunes App Store or Google Play Store and search “Bubl Xplor App”.

Your Bublcam hosts an onboard WiFi network chip that allows it to communicate with external devices such as your tablet or mobile phone. Here’s how to connect to your Bublcam for the first time:

  1. Open the “Bubl Xplor” mobile app and tap Capture .
  2. As per the instructions listed on the screen, go to your device network settings and look for “Bublcam_” followed by a series of letters and numbers in your WiFi networks and connect to it. The default password is: 12345678.
  3. Return to the mobile App. You should land on the “Scanning” screen. Once the Bublcam has been found, you will be directed to the Capture screen.


Here's how to connect to the Bublcam after you've already connected at least once:

1. Go to your device network WiFi settings and look for "Bublcam_" followed by a series of letters and numbers in your WiFi networks and connect to it. The default password is: 12345678.

2. Enter the Bubl Xplor App and tap Capture . The capture preview screen should now appear.

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