I cannot connect my device to the Bublcam

Before reading the below steps, please make sure you have read Downloading and Connecting to the App

If you still cannot connect you Bublcam to your device, please attempt the following steps in order and then attempt to connect again:

If you could please try each of the following in this order and try to reconnect after each step, it will often address the issue:

  • Select "Forget the network" while in the "Bublcam_xyz" network in your WiFi network settings
  • Reboot the Bublcam and ensure the battery is charged above 10%
  • Quit and reopen the app

If the issue persists, it would be very helpful if you could click on "Submit a Request" below and provide us with:

  • What device model are you using? eg. Nexus 5
  • What OS version are you on? eg. Android 5.1.1
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