Capturing videos with the bubl button

The Bublcam itself can also be used to take videos. Please note that the video will begin recording ~3 seconds after you press the bubl button when in Video mode, so you may want to ensure that the Bublcam is positioned as desired beforehand.

  1. Make sure you are in video mode by pressing and holding the bubl button until the LED turns white.
  2. Position the Bublcam.
  3. Press the bubl button and video capture will begin.
  4. The bubl button will begin a slow red flash to prepare for capture, then it will quickly flash red, and begin capturing the video on the third flash (~3 seconds). The Bubl button will remain solid red while capturing.
  5. To stop capturing, press the Bubl button. It will then pulse yellow while saving the file.

NOTE: If the memory card is full or the battery is low (4%), the Bublcam will automatically stop capturing video, save the file, and then power off in the case of low battery.


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